

The current mood of schoenheit at www.imood.com

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed! It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!
after months of staring at websites, i decided to
create my own!! fanatic was then born, i'm not really sure
as to what my goal is with this site, so i'm just throwin' random code at it
(can you tell?) i deleted most socials so i don't really have
any, but feel free to leave me somethin in my cbox or
add me via any of my game uids!!! i'll probably accept
after like a week... or an hour

welcome to fanatic!!, this site is something i lovingly
coded and devoted hours of time to,, treat it delicately plz!
i've held an interest in coding for give or take 3 years now,
but i only started coding properly around mar '22. some stuff
on here may be broken, so if u see anything bein' weirdd,
please leave me a message in my cbox !!!

you said i killed you; haunt me, then! be with me always, take any form - drive me mad, only do not leave me in this abyss, where i cannot find you!

29/12/22; start page finally done.. writing this on a stick note cause havent made an update log

12/12/22; user fanatic is born!! cool birthday man